Alexander Beck
Arvato Systems Energy Portfolio | Messstellenbetreiber

Successfully Mastering the Digitization of the Energy Transition

Flexible and dynamic rollout of smart metering systems with the MsbG amendment 

Use Case
Our Services

With the restart of the digitalization of the energy transition (GNDEW), the legislator is pursuing the goal of accelerating the stalled roll-out of intelligent metering systems (iMSys) as a secure data hub and, at the same time, increasing the number of mandatory installations. Due to the increasing number of iMSys, the metering point operator requires secure and robust systems for device procurement, technical commissioning, and operation of the devices deployed in the field.


We support you as an IT service provider with a BSI-certified GWA solution, SaaS, in our own data centers. On request, we offer the entire value chain in intelligent metering and significantly contribute to the success of the digitalization of the energy transition.

The Operation of Smart Metering Systems (iMSys)


Smart metering systems (iMSys) have been shaping the digital transformation in the energy industry for years and are essential for achieving the energy transition. However, the rollout of smart metering systems required for this has stalled considerably and the way has now been paved for even faster installation by amending the Metering Point Operation Act (MsbG).


Based on the know-how gained in recent years in the course of the smart meter rollout, you as a metering point operator can, with our support, set up a complete infrastructure for the operation of iMSys, which is operated in a cost-efficient, scalable and highly available manner.


With our SaaS solution for the operation of iMSys, we offer freely selectable modularity and a customized service package. The solution not only includes the secure operation of IT systems in the cloud and 24/7 availability to meet increasing requirements.

Advantages for You as an Energy Supplier


​​Rely on automated processes: We offer reliable tools for a smooth rollout of smart metering systems.​ 


​​We offer maximum security through various audits. In the event of a hacker attack, our SOC initiates appropriate response measures.​ 


​​Rely on the industry-specific and technical expertise of our experienced experts from the energy industry.​ 


​​Access your solutions easily and conveniently via an intuitive interface. With our strong partners, we ensure maximum availability and security.​ 


Leipziger Stadtwerke

Our Services for Your Success

  • ​​The metering point operator has a key role in the energy transition. He is responsible for the installation, operation, reading and maintenance of smart metering systems, other meters and additional equipment. The high demands require processes that can be highly automated. Our IT experts offer exactly the right solutions here.​ 

  • ​​From 01.04.2024, the previous e-mail practice in market communication will be completely replaced by the AS4 protocol. This will raise data exchange in the energy market to a new level of security. Our IT experts will support the changeover and provide all the components required for future market-compliant communication.​ 

  • ​​Our IT security experts provide professional Managed Detection and Response Services (MDR) tailored to the individual needs of utility companies. Additionally, our experienced IT colleagues are indispensable to monitor the IT infrastructures in a Cyber Defense Center (CDC) or Security Operations Center (SOC) 24/7.​ 

  • With our monitoring, analysis and control tool, plant managers are able to continuously monitor the efficiency and technical parameters of plants. They keep an eye on the key figures, which the system makes available in graphical form by continuously evaluating various measured values and status data from sensors. 

Your Contact for Metering Services

Alexander Beck
Alexander Beck
Expert for Energy Industry Processes