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SAP meets AI

Your support for AI in the SAP environment

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Integrate AI into Your SAP - Customized, Tailor-Made, Powerful

In the SAP environment, artificial intelligence (AI) offers considerable potential to get more out of your company's wealth of data and to accelerate or simplify business processes. And this applies to almost all industries and business areas. Ready-made solutions based on generativeAI already exist in the SAP environment, such as the AI co-pilot SAP Joule or the SAP Generative AI Hub, which makes various language models available that can be orchestrated via SAP AI Core. SAP Business AI provides the technological basis of tools, services and interfaces for using AI in SAP business applications. The possibilities that AI opens up within your cloud-based SAP environment are limitless.

Gen AI & SAP: We Build Customized Solutions for You

Keep track of the many options for integrating AI into your SAP or non-SAP environment. The SAP and AI experts at Arvato Systems provide you with comprehensive and independent advice. We analyze your use case, check your requirements and find - or develop - the SAP AI solution that you really need - no more and no less. Of course, you have the option of integrating products such as SAP Joule with a predefined set of functionalities into your SAP cloud solution such as SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP CX, Sales & Co. But you can also benefit from AI in your SAP landscape without a cloud basis. Instead of being left out of AI innovations with classic SAP products, we pave the way for you. This is how you can use GenAI in SAP and non-SAP areas, in the cloud and on-premises to give your business a head start.

Our Services for AI in the SAP Environment

AI roadmap development for SAP use case

Discover your SAP AI potential! Our experts develop a tailored AI strategy and roadmap, identify and develop key use cases and prioritize them to efficiently transform your SAP processes.

Rapid prototyping in the AI Lab

Quickly from idea to prototype: In the AI Lab, we quickly and efficiently develop the first tangible prototypes of your SAP AI applications, test them comprehensively for the planned effects and prepare them for use.

Scaling and integration in the SAP AI Factory

Our experienced SAP and AI experts integrate the prototypes developed on the basis of artificial intelligence flexibly and transparently into your SAP landscape and guarantee you a scalable solution at all times.

SAP AI operations and optimization

You can rely on the trouble-free operation of your SAP AI services. Our round-the-clock support, continuous re-training and automated updates ensure the highest quality and reliability of your AI products.

What Advantages Does AI Offer in the SAP Environment?

AI benefits for all SAP products
Increasing productivity and efficiency
Optimization of business results
Reducing the workload of personnel through the use of SAP Joule
Improved content generation
Individualization and personalization of customer processes
Better basis for decision-making through AI-based data analyses
Optimized planning and predictive power along business processes
Risk minimization

Your Possible Areas of Application for Your SAP AI Solutions

Efficient financial planning with AI-supported forecasts in SAP

The SAP Analytics Cloud, combined with AI models, optimizes your forecasting through accurate and data-driven predictions. This technology, developed by Arvato Systems, allows you to quickly analyze real-time data and integrate external factors such as market trends, improving accuracy and reducing planning effort. Automated forecasting replaces time-consuming manual processes and increases the effectiveness of financial decision-making.

Automated account determination for incoming payments thanks to AI solution for SAP

An AI-driven engine, developed by Arvato Systems, ensures efficient, rule-based allocation of postings. It analyzes the data, automatically applies or suggests rules - always based on defined parameters such as system, client, company code and vendor. Flexible and transparent integration into the SAP landscape supports processes such as the checking of duplicates and the manual adjustment of rules, resulting in precise and auditable financial management.

Our Approach for Your SAP AI Projects

Strategy development

Analysis and workshop

Prototype development



Further development

AI strategy development for SAP

Together we develop a comprehensive SAP AI strategy, identify potential for artificial intelligence in your SAP environment and develop a roadmap to effectively support your business goals.

Analysis and AI workshop for SAP

Our experts conduct specific AI workshops to analyze your existing SAP landscape and identify relevant use cases for effective projects with Gen AI in your SAP systems.

Prototype development

In the AI Lab, we develop targeted prototypes for SAP AI applications that are specifically tailored to your needs. We test their feasibility and provide you with a reliable initial product.

Scaling your SAP AI services

Our AI Factory transforms your prototypes into scalable and fully integrated AI services for your SAP environment that fit in perfectly and are constantly optimized through continuous testing.

Operation of your Gen AI solutions in the SAP environment

We provide expert support and managed services for your SAP AI applications, ensuring stable operation and continuous improvement of all AI services related to your SAP systems.

Further development of your SAP AI solutions

Changing market situation, new business requirements? We adapt your SAP AI services flexibly and expand the functionalities to meet the growing needs of your company at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions about SAP AI

  • SAP offers a variety of AI products that are tailored to the different business requirements within the SAP Business Technology Platform:

    1. SAP AI Core and SAP AI Launchpad: These platforms facilitate the development, training, management and deployment of AI models, as they form the technological basis for developing, commissioning and integrating AI models into SAP applications.
    2. SAP Joule: This is the SAP AI copilot that helps to automate and optimize tasks in SAP cloud applications and to support or relieve users of repetitive tasks.
    3. SAP Analytics Cloud: This tool is not an SAP AI product, but the integration of SAP Joule is scheduled to take place during 2024, so that AI will then be used here to improve business planning and provide deep insights - with the result that data analyses and decision-making processes can be significantly accelerated.
    4. SAP Business AI: These services are provided by SAP. They automate business processes and improve the customer experience in various business areas. They serve to simplify and accelerate routine tasks and complex processes in order to increase operational efficiency.
    5. Generative AI Hub: With the Hub, SAP offers access to a number of language models and tools for prompt engineering and the development of AI applications. SAP is successively integrating further language models and also allows users to integrate their own models via the Hub.

    These products are designed to integrate seamlessly into existing SAP environments. However, they do not offer the necessary flexibility for every individual use case. This is where alternative AI solutions for SAP are needed.

  • AI is integrated into SAP systems via specialized interfaces and platforms such as the SAP AI Core. These enable the connection of AI models and tools to improve and personalize processes within SAP applications. Arvato Systems supports you regardless of the initial situation of your SAP landscape - whether in the cloud, hybrid or on-premises. We find or develop the right SAP AI solution for every requirement.

  • Generative artificial intelligence and SAP systems can significantly increase operational efficiency by automating routine tasks and allowing employees to focus on value-adding tasks.

    The opportunities for in-depth personalization of the customer experience and more informed decision-making in the company create decisive competitive advantages because they enable faster adaptation to market changes and increase the ability to innovate.

Your Contact for SAP Solutions

Portrait Meikel Bode
Meikel Bode
Expert for SAP Data-Driven Company