
The Right Solutions for the Digital Transformation of Your Industry

Competence for Your Industry

Every industry needs IT systems tailored to it. Arvato Systems is consistently attuned to this essential requirement as an entrepreneurial IT specialist. With more than 40 years of experience in the IT market and many successfully implemented projects, we are considered a leading specialist in planning and implementing solutions that seamlessly meet the practical requirements of various industries. Get an idea of our know-how in various core industries yourself!

Ralf Werner, CIO OGE

We receive the necessary impetus from Arvato Systems, our partner at eye level and part of the internationally active Bertelsmann Group, to positively influence our business.

Open Grid Europe GmbH

The fully transparent, trusting cooperation was the central key factor for the success of the website project.

Testimonial_Christian Grotowsky

In the past year and a half, the Lekkerland and Arvato Systems teams have grown together enormously and demonstrated real team spirit at the launch in Switzerland. The partnership with the Arvato Systems consultants is excellent. It gives us great confidence that we will also be able to integrate our largest national subsidiary, Germany, into the new solution quickly and efficiently.

Markus_Leyck_Dieken_Web_Nachweis Ruckwied

With Telematics Infrastructure 2.0, we are establishing a future-proof arena for digital medicine in which manufacturers and providers can also contribute their digital solutions for the successful further development of e-health in Germany. This requires reliable and competent partners like Arvato Systems.

Christopher Pansch

The decision to use the AWS Cloud as the basis for our DevOps development has proven to be the right one. Thanks to Arvato Systems's involvement, we could start implementation directly in parallel with our own knowledge development and thus gain significant time. The architectural quality created in this way allows us to continue growth at an increasing pace in our ongoing collaboration.

Verlag für die Deutsche Wirtschaft AG

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The Arvato Systems-Team