
KIM - Communication in Medicine

Communicate quickly and easily with our kim+ service

All-round service

KIM: The Digital Communication Service in the Healthcare Sector

KIM stands for Communication in Medicine within the Telematics Infrastructure (TI). The service enables secure communication via e-mail. eDoctor's letters, eAU, and other medical documents can be easily exchanged between all players (TI participants) in the German healthcare system using KIM.

kim+: Our solution for clinics, care facilities, doctors' surgeries, and pharmacies

With kim+, we have developed a compelling, easy-to-install, and easy-to-operate KIM service for employees in outpatient and inpatient care facilities, hospitals, doctors' surgeries, and pharmacies.

Numerous interfaces for automation and, in particular, for integration into existing software solutions are implemented in our kim+ service. To ensure that kim+ can be used smoothly in everyday practice, users obtain our KIM service via their known local service provider (DVO) or primary system manufacturer.

We provide excellent control via a portal: registration of KIM users, installation, and operation are automated.

Are you still looking for a kim+ provider? You can obtain your kim+ offer from the following partners:

The Duria eG
Cerner Health Services Germany GmbH
curenect GmbH

kim+ in your everyday work

With kim+, you can send a variety of documents via e-mail. These include

  • eDoctor's letters
  • Treatment and cost plans (electronic application and approval procedures)
  • Findings, such as laboratory data or X-ray images
  • eCertificates of incapacity for work (eAU)
  • Billings
  • Doctor's transfer form
  • ePrescription
  • 1ClickBilling

Anyone wishing to send an eDoctor's letter or other medical documents needs a secure KIM service. Medical and dental practices are legally obliged to use a KIM solution for sending and receiving electronic certificates of incapacity for work. In addition to the legal requirements to ensure the most secure transmission possible, sending eDoctor's letters via KIM has other advantages for users. Until now, data was sent to the recipient by post or fax, which is not very time-efficient. Electronic transmission makes printing, signing, and scanning superfluous and saves both time and resources. But it is not only the eDoctor's letter that can be sent thanks to the communication service. The ePrescription, vital signs, or discharge letters are also essential and often time-critical documents for doctors, nursing staff, etc.

It is all about the technology

To ensure secure data exchange and enable the legally compliant transmission of electronic certificates of incapacity for work and doctor's letters, the identity of the sender and recipient must be verified. The KIM service checks the address list of all accredited persons and institutions for this purpose.

In addition to having a practice or health professional ID card, other technical requirements must also be created in the practices. A connector is required to use a KIM service via the telematics infrastructure. This can be located on-site or as a service in a data center.

Your benefits - why kim+ with Arvato Systems is so easy

As the operator of the central telematics infrastructure and leading provider of the VPN access service, we are a long-standing digitization partner of the German medical sector. Through our partners, we support employees in the healthcare sector with digitalization. What you can expect from us:

You use our established service processes from day one
High data security
Interfaces enable automation of kim+
We support you from connection to kim+ to tim+

Our Services for kim+

We provide you with the kim+ specialist service, the required client module, and support during installation. You also receive second-level support via our Service Center - an all-around service package. You also benefit from simple management of the kim+ mailboxes via a service portal or dedicated interfaces. Automated operation, including all necessary software updates and regular maintenance, round off the service portfolio. Based on this successful model, our 20 or so partners have provided over 60,000 kim+ addresses for users.

Partnership and cooperation with gematik

As a partner of gematik and operator of the telematics infrastructure (TI), we not only lay the foundation for the use of digital health applications, but also offer our own applications with our kim+ service. You can find more information on KIM and a corresponding checklist for preparing for installation on the gematik portal.

kim+ Tutorial Videos

kim+ installation and configuration

In this video you will learn how to install and configure kim+.

kim+ Email address registration

In this video you will learn how to register a kim+ e-mail address.

Frequently Asked Questions About KIM

  • Is KIM already mandatory?

    Yes, KIM has been mandatory since April 1, 2021, for all doctor's offices that want to transmit e-doctor's letters. In addition, since October 1, 2021, KIM offers the only option for sending an eAU (electronic certificate of incapacity for work) from patients to health insurers via TI (telematics infrastructure). KIM is, therefore, necessary to communicate with other players in the healthcare system.

  • What is a KIM address?

    A KIM address is the uniquely defined, individual mail address with which the practice communicates. At least one KIM address is required for each practice. Depending on the size of the practice, it is also possible to create several addresses/mailboxes - for example, in the case of group offices. However, a maximum of two KIM addresses per medical practice are covered with the help of flat-rate financing.  

  • What is kim+ and what advantage does the service have over other providers?

    Arvato Systems, the operator of the central telematics infrastructure and leading provider of the VPN access service, offers its own KIM service, kim+. The "+" stands for a service that is easy to install and operate. With the help of numerous interfaces for automation, optimal support for primary system manufacturers and DVOs (on-site service providers) is guaranteed. We have already realized many integrations of the kim+ client into existing software solutions and help our users at any time with our accumulated experience and versatile know-how. The registration of kim+ runs automatically as far as possible, but in addition, we support you with our all-around service package - comprehensive documentation, experienced consultants as well as the offer of test access for service providers and software houses.

    In addition, you can rely on us as Arvato Systems to provide the latest product generations of KIM at any time and continuously expand the service's capabilities.

  • Where can I get kim+?

    Arvato Systems does not sell kim+ directly to service providers or service provider institutions. We provide all physicians or medical practices, pharmacies, care facilities, as well as hospitals and other medical stakeholders, with a large network of partners through which they can obtain kim+. Numerous primary system manufacturers and practice IT service providers offer kim+ mailboxes as well as the desired support in setting up and commissioning the service.

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Your Contact for KIM

Jens Weitkamp
Expert for Workload Automation