
Sustainability and ESG for Retail and Consumer Goods

Sustainability through Digital Transformation. Acting climate-neutrally with the right IT solutions. 

Use Cases
Our Services

Energy conservation and sustainability are increasingly important issues for companies in the retail and consumer goods sectors. Both suffer from high energy costs, while regulatory requirements from the Green Deal demand comprehensive ESG reporting. As a result, it is essential to accurately track and document energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions. Today, companies that produce consumer goods in a carbon-neutral manner have a clear competitive advantage. And food, construction, electronics, and other markets can only sustainably reduce their energy consumption by monitoring it in as much detail as possible. 

Sustainability for Retail: Energy Efficiency in Supermarkets and Home Improvement Centers

Your Challenge

In the wake of recent geopolitical developments, energy prices have exploded. Gas, electricity and heat are likely to remain at relatively high price levels in the long term. Due to fierce competition between markets, energy costs can only be partially passed on to customers. Saving energy and increasing energy efficiency will become a must. 

The Vision

There are several ways to save energy and increase energy efficiency: Lower the room temperature. Install doors on refrigerated shelves. Dim or partially turn off lights during off-peak hours (restocking shelves, cleaning after closing). Changing behavioral patterns. But what are the benefits of which measures? And how will your overall energy consumption change? Only 24/7 monitoring can make this transparent. 

Our Solution

Energy data is recorded in detail for all areas of consumption (room air conditioning, refrigerated shelves, lighting, etc.) as a whole and through targeted sub-measurements, and managed and visualized in our green.screen environmental platform. In this way, energy guzzlers and weak points in your energy supply can be systematically uncovered. Based on the documented readings, you can transparently track your progress, the sustainability of your actions, and your overall energy management success. 

Sustainability for Consumer Goods: The Competitive Advantage of CO2-Neutral Production

Your Challenge

For comparable products, soft factors influence the purchase decision. The climate crisis is making consumers more aware of the need to act sustainably. Buying carbon neutral products is the easiest way to do this. As a result, carbon-neutral products are becoming much more attractive. 

The Vision

The "carbon neutral" label is only meaningful if it can be proven that no CO2 emissions were generated during production. The documentation combines information from precursors, various production steps, and other operating costs. You can buy carbon neutrality by purchasing CO certificates. However, the sharp rise in certificate prices makes this an unattractive option in the long run. So it pays to invest in your own sustainability. 

Our Solution

All energy consumption data from (pre-)production and operation is collected, processed and evaluated in green.screen. Since neither natural gas nor coal-fired electricity may be used for CO2-neutral products, the purchase of green electricity and biogas, for example, must be verified. green.screen does all this in an audit-proof manner. The platform can also be used to prove compliance with regulatory production conditions, for example in the food industry.

Benefits for You as a Retailer or Consumer Goods Manufacturer

Energy consumption transparency

View energy consumption and carbon footprint at any time for the entire organization or for selected products.

Detailed monitoring

Monitor energy consumption to identify operational and manufacturing weaknesses and support a continuous improvement process based on real data.

Grow with new business models

Future environmental legislation is already being met today. Users take an active role.

Competitive advantage in the product range

Proven carbon neutral products are preferred over conventionally produced goods.

Strong energy management

With green.screen, retail chains can integrate their own photovoltaic systems and e-charging stations into their energy management and actively manage them.

Leading by example

Companies that set an example of environmental awareness are perceived more positively and benefit when it comes to contracts, purchasing decisions, loans, company valuations, etc.

Current Insights

From Farm to Fork - Context and Need for Action

The Farm to Fork strategy is one of the core initiatives of the EU Green Deal to promote a healthier and more sustainable food system. Find out more about the context, need for action and vision.

From Farm to Fork - The Main Objectives

The EU aims to make food healthier and more sustainable for Europe. What are the most important measures in production and consumption?

EU Regulation for Deforestation-Free Products

The EU regulation for deforestation-free products (EUDR): An important step towards greater environmental protection and sustainability. Find out more about the background and implications for companies.

Sustainability and transparency in the food industry

From farm to fork: How sustainability and transparency are changing the food industry.

Our Services for Your Success

  • Monitoring is the mother of continuous improvement and proof of sustainability in action. green.screen is Arvato Systems' platform that enables both stringent energy efficiency management and comprehensive sustainability management. 


    One component of green.screen is energy management: By monitoring data, it helps to save energy costs and optimize processes. Another component of green.screen is asset management, which analyzes the generation, consumption, load profile and process data of technical assets. green.screen also offers a module for corporate environmental management, which can be used to map automated environmental reporting with the highest data quality. 



  • Sustainability is often a byproduct of industry-specific commerce solutions: Through digital transformation, retailers and CPG manufacturers can take the first steps toward a resource-efficient business model: Paperless logistics processes, ship-from-store, sustainability point systems in returns management, efficient warehouse management and optimized omnichannel processes make a valuable contribution to sustainability in the supply chain. With Arvato Systems platbricks®, retailers and wholesalers can optimize their warehouse processes, use resources more efficiently and handle formerly paper-based processes on the move using smart wearables. Arvato Systems aroma®, on the other hand, makes it possible to handle omnichannel store processes seamlessly across channels, so that stores can be used as additional warehouses and orders can be optimally split and routed depending on the delivery address.

Your Contact for the Retail & Consumer Goods Industry 

Alexander Mosch
Expert for Commerce