
E-Commerce & Omnichannel: Easy Integration With aroma®

Order Management, Fulfillment and Payment from a Single Source, combined in a Unified Commerce Suite

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aroma® - The Unified Commerce Suite for Omnichannel Commerce

To offer a convincing Customer Experience across all touchpoints and be profitable simultaneously, companies must design their omnichannel processes very efficiently and economically. Important factors for a consistent, cross-channel Customer Experience: The seamless integration of all systems and processes as well as the focus on the needs of the customer (Customer Centricity).

aroma® provides the perfect solution: it combines store processes, e-commerce, logistics and payment processes in one Commerce Suite for the perfectly integrated and smooth handling of all workflows - whether in B2B, B2C or D2C.

Order Management

Simply Explained: Efficient Omnichannel Processes with Aroma®

Why You Should Use aroma®

Perfect Customer Experience

Optimized Processes & Returns

Simplified IT-Architecture

Customers expect comprehensive services, such as the option to pick up, pay for, or return online purchased articles in stores. We developed aroma® to enable this outstanding service. This is ensured by a range of basic functions and extension modules such as the Customer Service module and the Instore module for all omnichannel store processes with features such as:

  • Click & Collect for picking up the online purchased article in the store.
  • Click & Reserve for online reservation of articles in the stores
  • Pickin-Store and Ship-from-Store for delivery from the store to the customer
  • Endless Aisle, for taking orders for articles that are not in stock in the store
  • Connection to cash register systems
  • Management of prices and promotional campaigns
  • Realtime customer service in-store and online

Shareholders expect sustainable growth and returns. Omnichannel processes must also be automated, cost-efficient, and optimized to achieve this. Enjoy the benefits of aroma® as a unified platform that reduces your operational effort and cuts costs with numerous functions, such as:

  • Risk and fraud checks of incoming orders
  • Identification of the optimal delivery location of articles independent of the order location
  • Control of the accompanying financial processes
  • Efficient mapping of all required omnichannel store processes (such as shipfrom-store)
  • Comprehensive reporting with alerts and advice for nextbest-actions
  • Extensive control and configuration options, including the option to quickly launch new countries quickly and to efficiently target business partners in the areas of logistics, transport, customer care, or finance.

Modern commerce is an art. aroma® connects various touchpoints with a central backend and thus enables the business growth of retail companies.

aroma® is often used as an Order Management System, like a kind of middleware that acts as a hub between the e-shop or online store, warehouses, branches, ERP, and financial system. In fact, aroma® also offers the option of rethinking the typical architecture and doing without an e-shop system altogether. It provides different services for processing E-commerce, Order Management, Fulfillment, as well as Payment processes in the backend so that data can be updated in the frontend in an uncomplicated and cross-channel way - detached from the classic E-shop architecture. The result:

  • Simple configuration and customization
  • Significant cost reduction for setup, operation, and content maintenance
  • More flexibility through Headless Commerce

The Most Important Functions of aroma®

Flexible and fully scalable with APIs

Distributed Order Management (DOM)

Manage your Omnichannel processes, Inventory & Fulfillment in the central business logic where all inventory, delivery locations, articles, orders and customers are held.

Customer Service

Give your service team the perfect control center, even for requests such as replacement deliveries or the allocation of bonus points.

Dropshipper Module

Realize flexible assortment expansion in up to 24h, by connecting dropshippers to your Order Management.

InStore Module

Provide your store employees with an intuitive tool for Omnichannel store processes: from Click & Collect to Pick-in-Store and Ship-from-Store.

Cart Service

Leverage APIs for Shopping Cart, Wishlist, and Checkout processes and deliver value-added information across all channels to your customers in real time.

Prices & Promotions

Manage prices and promotions centrally for all channels and keep track of them, even to pay out the right amounts in case of partial returns.

Reporting & Alerts

Optimize delivery, financial, and service processes and detect anomalies early with comprehensive reports on your business status.

Administration Console

Make yourself independent of service providers by handling typical admin tasks of E-Commerce and Omnichannel operations in your own team.

aroma® in Use

hagebau optimizes Omnichannel

hagebau optimizes omnichannel with consulting support from Arvato Systems.

Order Management System at ORSAY

ORSAY taps service potential: A central Order Management System results in improved customer service.

aroma® for Consumer Electronics

With the Order Management System aroma®, you simplify your IT architecture and improve the customer experience.

aroma® for DIY Retailers

With the Order Management System aroma®, you simplify your IT architecture and improve the customer experience.

Find out even more about exciting international projects and our IT solutions for the Retail & Consumer Goods sector.

Benefit From Our Experience

Arvato Systems is one of the leading enablers when it comes to Business Transformation in retail. Our consultants are both IT and business experts - we always keep our finger on the pulse of best practices, trends and innovations.

Benefit from our experience of > 15 years of Omnichannel business for more than 50 retail companies: Customers in 150 countries rely on our expertise for the successful implementation of their Omnichannel strategies. These decades of experience have been incorporated into aroma® - so that you can inspire your customers with a unified shopping experience.

Live Demo


Deep Dive

White paper: Headless Commerce for Retail

For stronger customer loyalty: Headless commerce offers new approaches to mastering the complexity of Omnichannel commerce and deploying high-performance services.

Guide: Omnichannel IT Architecture

Take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization by making your IT architecture fit for the future.

White paper: Omnichannel Order Management

With these best practices, retailers can overcome their omnichannel order management challenges.

White paper: Omnichannel means Omni-Convenience

Do you want to be where your customer is? Optimize your omnichannel strategy now and increase your customer satisfaction.

Demo: Take a look at aroma®

Our free demo gives you exclusive insights into the look and feel of our Order Management System.

Omnichannel: Terms & Definitions

Which are the different channels? What does resilience mean in retail? Which concepts are described by terms such as Click and Collect, BOPIL, ROPIS or Endless Aisle?

Consulting: Omnichannel Quick Check

Our Arvato Systems Omnichannel experts help you realize the full potential of your Omnichannel strategy.

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  • Omnichannel commerce (also: multichannel retailing, omnichannel retailing) refers to the integration of different sales channels such as retail stores, e-commerce websites, apps or social networks to provide customers with a unified and consistent buying experience.

    Key benefits of omnichannel commerce:

    • Wider reach: Omnichannel commerce enables companies to offer their products and services on multiple channels to achieve a wider reach.
    • Personalized experiences: Omnichannel commerce can create personalized experiences for customers by customizing frontend systems and technologies for specific audiences or channels.
    • Improved customer satisfaction: Omnichannel commerce provides a seamless shopping experience regardless of which channel the customer is using. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    • Better data analytics: Omnichannel commerce enables better data analytics by collecting, consolidating, and analyzing data from multiple channels. This gives you a better understanding of customer behavior and needs.
  • Customers today interact on different channels before making a purchase decision. An Omnichannel solution allows the seamless integration of all sales channels to provide customers with the perfect shopping experience, regardless of the channel used.

  • Order Management refers to the process of managing orders. It involves organizing and optimizing internal processes and coordinating various departments such as sales, warehousing and shipping. The aim of Order Management is to ensure that orders are processed efficiently and correctly and that the customer receives his order on time and in the desired quality. An effective Order Management solution helps to increase customer satisfaction while reducing process costs.

  • An Order Management System is indispensable for companies to automate and optimize the entire ordering process. It is the central platform for managing orders and exchanging data between different departments and systems. An Order Management System enables companies to reduce process costs and increase customer satisfaction by:

    • ensuring greater accuracy in order processing
    • enabling faster processing of orders
    • providing more efficient inventory management and optimization
    • enabling real-time insights into orders and inventory
    • enabling seamless integration of different sales channels and marketplaces
  • The three most essential KPIs in Order Management are order cycle time, inventory accuracy, and delivery reliability.

    Order cycle time is the time it takes to complete an order from intake to delivery. Inventory accuracy measures how accurately inventory levels are managed to avoid shortages and overstock. Delivery reliability refers to how reliably orders are delivered at the agreed time. These KPIs show the effectiveness of order management in meeting customer requirements.

  • Headless architecture is an approach to software development that separates the application logic from the presentation layer. Unlike traditional architectures, a headless architecture enables the use of different front-end systems and technologies without requiring changes to the back-end logic. The presentation layer can be addressed through APIs, microservices, and other technologies to enable seamless integration across different endpoints and platforms.

  • Headless Commerce solutions offer many advantages over traditional E-Commerce solutions. Three of the most important advantages are:

    • Flexibility: a headless architecture allows different front-end systems and technologies to be used without having to make changes to the back-end logic. This enables faster development and deployment of applications and provides greater flexibility and scalability.
    • Personalization: With a headless commerce solution, personalized experiences can be created for customers by customizing front-end systems and technologies for specific audiences or channels.
    • Better customer engagement: Headless commerce solutions can help improve customer engagement by enabling seamless integration across multiple devices and platforms to deliver a consistent and personalized shopping experience.

Your Contact for Further Information

Dr. Nasser Kaspari
Expert for eCommerce