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Optimizing Hybrid Working Environments with Microsoft Places

Efficient use of space for your company

The Advantages of Microsoft Places for Your Company
Microsoft 365
Digital Workplace
Digital Transformation

How Microsoft Places Supports Modern Working Environments

Hybrid working models have become an integral part of most companies. The mixture of remote work and presence in the office brings advantages but also requires a rethink in many areas. To ensure smooth collaboration, companies need innovative tools. Without the right solutions, companies will reach their limits when making the best use of workspaces and enabling teams to be flexible.


This is precisely where Microsoft Places comes in: The platform offers functions specifically designed to increase the efficiency of hybrid workplaces. Find out how Microsoft Places can help your company successfully design modern working environments.

Efficient Use of Modern Workstations

Microsoft Places is an AI-supported software solution from the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. The application helps companies and their employees make the best possible use of workplaces and connect teams smartly. The aim is to make modern working environments more efficient, flexible, and productive. For example, Microsoft Places allows you to collect data on attendance patterns and room occupancy in buildings. The insights gained in this way enable your company to optimize space usage and increase its own resource efficiency.


Another important goal is promoting collaboration: Microsoft Places offers tools that support virtual and physical meetings and strengthen the connection between colleagues - regardless of whether they work in the office or remotely. The application ensures that teams can work together more flexibly and seamlessly. In addition, Microsoft Places focuses on the well-being of employees. With the help of functions for planning flexible working hours, the software supports a healthier way of working, promotes work-life balance, and protects against overload.

The Core Functions of Microsoft Places

To achieve these three main goals - efficient workplace utilization, stronger collaboration, and employee well-being - Microsoft Places offers a variety of practical functions and solutions. These support your company in making work environments more efficient and flexible. 

  • One of the central functions is room and attendance management. The platform provides real-time data on the availability of rooms, workstations, and other resources. With Wayfinding and the option to book a hot desk, employees can quickly find the proper workstation or meeting room and make room bookings. Intelligent algorithms also suggest when and where meetings should ideally take place.

  • Another important aspect of Microsoft Places is employee scheduling and presence prediction: The platform uses historical data and integrated calendars to predict when teams will be in the office. As colleagues can better coordinate their working hours and presence, meetings can be better planned, and collaboration becomes more reliable.

  • The seamless integration into the Digital Workplace with Microsoft 365. Microsoft Places draws on existing tools such as Outlook or Teams and creates a consistent user experience. 

  • In addition, Microsoft Places offers sustainability monitoring to help organizations track their sustainability goals. The platform monitors energy consumption and resource usage in buildings, enabling you to make environmentally friendly decisions and optimize resource consumption.

Microsoft Places Offers These Advantages

These functions offer a wide range of benefits for your company. Because with Microsoft Places you can ...

Use office space more efficiently

Plan your room capacities more efficiently and avoid unnecessary costs due to unused offices.

Increase productivity

When your teams work together optimally and smoothly, even in hybrid working models, they become more productive.

Offering more flexibility

Microsoft Places makes it easier for employees to decide whether to work in the office or remotely - a plus for work-life balance, satisfaction and motivation.

Reducing environmental pollution

By better managing resources and supporting hybrid working models, you can use the CO2 significantly reduce your company's footprint.

Get Support from Experienced Professionals

In times of modern work concepts, the implementation of Microsoft Places is worthwhile for almost every company - but it is also time-consuming. Arvato Systems therefore supports you in planning, setting up and optimizing Microsoft Places. Our experts take care of individual steps as well as the entire implementation process.

What About Data Protection at Microsoft Places?

For you to achieve the best possible results with Microsoft Places, the tool accesses some existing data from your Microsoft Tenant. This also includes information such as work location and planned working hours. Data protection, therefore, plays a central role in Microsoft Places. Microsoft ensures the protection of your data through comprehensive security standards and compliance guidelines that apply to the entire Microsoft 365 infrastructure. This includes protecting your employees' personal data and operational information security. Microsoft complies with international data protection regulations such as the GDPR and offers transparent control options so that companies always know how their data is processed and protected.


For additional Microsoft 365 Privacy, you can also completely rely on Arvato Systems: As your IT service provider, we always consider data protection when implementing Microsoft Places. We ensure that all processes comply with data protection regulations and that you retain control over your data at all times. From planning to implementation, we ensure that your company is optimally secured.

The Office of the Future Through Efficient Space Planning and Collaboration

Microsoft Places offers the opportunity to make hybrid workplaces more efficient, optimize space utilization and internal collaboration, and even improve the well-being of your employees. Seamless integration into Microsoft 365 gives you a solution that is perfectly aligned with your existing work processes while ensuring data protection.


With Microsoft Places, you are ideally equipped for the modern working world. The future of work lies in flexible, networked, and sustainable working models. Microsoft Places is an important opportunity to master these challenges while keeping productivity and employee satisfaction high. Arvato Systems helps you seize this opportunity. 

Written by

Jonas Lösch
Expert for Microsoft 365