
Are You Ready for a Digital Future?

Innovation topics simply explained


Digital Transformation Affects Everything

Digital change moves forward inexorably. The effects of Digital Transformation are already evident in numerous areas of everyday business life. Many disruptors have, too, from innovative digital business processes and powerful business apps to wholly digital business models. Staying abreast of digital change means more than a technology-led re-organization. Instead, companies need a complete re-think of the entire organization. Digital Transformation demands not only new networked solutions but a completely new corporate culture.

What exactly does Digital Transformation mean?

There are different ways of approaching the definition of this term. One frequently used explanation is that while Digital Transformation is ultimately about a higher level of process automation, it is also concerned with developing innovative, data-driven business and service models. Systems, such as companies or markets, are transformed from an old way of being to a new one. Transformation means a continuous change in which there is no end but an infinite chain of different transitions. Digital Transformation is thus the sum of its own transitions.

Bringing Innovations to Life

When exciting thoughts turn into concrete projects, when existing challenges are solved completely, when the right idea develops into a business model, it is time for innovation.


We use Artificial Intelligence, for example, for media asset management in video production and video management. 

Energy suppliers

A positive outlook on future topics such as smart grids, smart markets and e-mobility: Our Arvato Energy Platform ensures smart energy data management. And with data analytics, we create new value for energy suppliers.


Serialization challenges in Track'n'Trace scenarios are overcome using big data.


Digitize logistics processes with Smart Watches & Co: The Arvato Smart Logistics Platform received the "Digital Leader Award" as one of the best digitization projects in Germany.

Looking at the Bigger Picture

Digital Transformation can reduce costs through automation and build future businesses with innovative, data-driven business and service models. The question "with what tools?" is the same for both challenges. There is no way around implementing new innovative technologies, which in general can easily be accessed via the cloud. The real challenge, however, is to apply these technologies to individual business purposes.

Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & IoT, and Blockchain are the prerequisite technologies for this.

As a multi-cloud service integrator, Arvato Systems is positioned precisely in the area of tension between your industry challenges, the status quo of your process and application landscapes, and the application of new technologies. This makes us the ideal partner for the design and implementation of your digitization initiatives.

  • Cloud-native applications take advantage of cloud computing. This is about the how of creating and deploying applications, but not the where. Both the public cloud and private environments can be included. Cloud-native thus offers the possibility of providing a combination of almost unlimited computing power and modern data and application services for developers.

  • Blockchain is a form of peer-to-peer communication in which computers are connected on an equal footing in a network. It enables very fast, decentralized storage and transaction data encryption in a long chain of data blocks. The main advantage is that data records can be exchanged via the system quickly and that all participants can verify. Processes are accelerated, and the costs of transactions are greatly reduced.

  • Big Data Analytics is the real-time analysis of large volumes of data of various types to uncover patterns, correlations, and other value-added information.

  • The term Internet of Things or IoT for short describes an autonomous exchange of information between machines and devices. Humans no longer play a role in this communication network. The things (electrical devices) are connected with the help of the Internet and can thus exchange data directly or trigger control mechanisms.

  • AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and imitates the human ability to see, hear, analyze, and understand, such as image recognition or natural language processing. For a long time, however, there was a lack of data (Big Data) for further processing, as well as generally available computing power, to make AI viable in consumer and enterprise markets. The sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence include machine learning and deep learning.

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA for short) is robot-controlled process automation, i.e., automated handling of structured business processes by programmed software robots, so-called bots. These bots can take over daily routine activities, thus relieving employees in the company and interacting with other software systems. Many business processes can be sustainably optimized as a result.

  • Metaverse is currently used as a collective term for digital 3D worlds. Users can move around in these worlds with individual avatars and, for example, hold meetings with colleagues, store, visit concerts and exhibitions, play games, and much more. Many experts consider the metaverse to be the future of the Internet. Arvato Systems is also working on this.

We Develop the Right Solutions for Innovative Topics

Generative AI

Generative AI such as ChatGPT and Midjourney can be used to completely rethink existing value chains. Arvato Systems supports you in this.

Sovereign AI

Discover Sovereign AI and its possibilities. Arvato Systems supports you in the confident use of artificial intelligence.

The Metaverse

Companies dare to take their first steps into the parallel world - we provide background information and give impulses

Data & Artificial Intelligence

Our services and solutions for data-driven business models.

Cloud & Data Center Services

Our cloud expertise leads the path to the digital future succeeds.

The Sisi NFT Collection in collaboration with RTL+

RTL+ and Arvato Systems take a big step into the future of entertainment with the NFT collection of Sisi dresses.

"Innovation as a Service" - Innovation Management with Arvato Systems

In fast-moving markets, companies can distinguish themselves very clearly from their competitors with one characteristic: With their innovative strength - the ability to develop new ideas, apply them internally, or bring them to market. We have developed a multi-stage innovation process. You, too, can benefit from these experiences, methods, and instruments and establish continuous innovation management.

We support you in generating convincing ideas to improve your company's processes and performance sustainably. In doing so, we get all stakeholders on board: from management to department heads to specialists. Because innovation is teamwork - it's the only way to generate ideas that become real successes. 

As a multi-cloud service integrator, Arvato Systems is also positioned precisely in the area of tension between your industry challenges, the status quo of your process and application landscapes, and the application of new technologies, making it your ideal partner for designing and implementing your digitization initiatives.

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Your Contact for more information

Martin Weitzel
Expert for Innovation Topics