Streamworks Release 2024
The new Release
The new Streamworks release 2024 has been available for download in the customer portal since 27/06/2024. The release has been running productively and error-free in the Arvato Systems data centers since the end of April 2024. You will find an overview of the most interesting new features here.
The complete documentation of all new features to the release is available in the customer portal.
25818 Web App: New "Job History" view
In the new "Job History" view, evaluations of jobs that have been run can be carried out. Filters such as Mandator, Execution Time Between, Agent, Stream Name, Job Name, Current Job Status and Tags are available for this purpose. For example, it is possible to evaluate whether and when there were load peaks on an Agent.

26048 SMA: Listing of all Stream Run Variables of a Plan Date
The Stream Run Variables of all Runs of a Stream that have the same Plan Date can now be read out via SMA in one call. This also applies to SSR Streams.
You can find the new method in the table of contents of the SMA documentation under:
StreamRunVariable > Get All Variables - 2.0.0;normal.
26011 SMA: New "Bypass Status" property for Stream Runs and Jobs
The new "Bypass Status" property can now be used to report whether and why a Stream Run or Job has bypassed (e.g. at the request of a user).
The following methods have been expanded to include this new property:
- StreamRun
- Get Stream Run Status by Preparation Id - 3.0.0;normal
- StreamRunJob
- Get Stream Run Job Status - 2.0.0;complex
- Get Stream Run Job Status by Preparation Id - 2.0.0;complex
- Get Stream Run Job Status by Preparation Id and Job Name - 2.0.0;complex
- Get Stream Run Job Status by Stream and Job - 2.0.0;complex
To be able to use the new property, the methods must be called in the version mentioned above.
24569 Faster saving of Master Streams
The performance of the asynchronous process AsyncOperationProcess has been improved. This means that Master Streams can now be deployed and saved even faster.
26125 Search for Tags in the Global Search
Tags can now also be specified as a search criterion in the Global Search.
25921 Dynamic Stream: Additional tags in the control file
Previously, the Dynamic Stream inherited all Tags from the Stream in which the Insertion Point Job was located. Now, additional Tags can be defined in the control file.
25752 Usability: combo boxes instead of drop-down menus
In all property windows, the drop-down menus have been replaced by combo boxes. As a result, it is now possible to enter copied values and search for word parts.
25931 Incident View + Incident Log: Number of entries per group
Entries can be grouped in all streamworks tables, e.g. in Incident View by Return Code. The number of entries per group is now also displayed in the Incident View and Incident Log. Each subgroup counts as one entry.
7322 Uniqueness of Job Names can be set
Previously, Job Names had to be unique within a Mandator. From now on, you can set for each Mandator whether Job Names must be unique per Mandator or only per Stream. Existing Mandators retain the old "per Mandator" setting when upgrading.
25495 User Profile: Improved logging of changes
Actions and changes to the User Profile are now logged even better. This includes:
- Logging in and logging out,
- Changing the User Status,
- Changing the Password and
- Creating, changing and deleting User Profiles.
Changes made via the Desktop Client are logged as usual in the Application Server Log, changes made via the SMA are logged in the SMA Log and automatic changes are logged in the Central Processing Server Logs.
25862 Beats now with Account Number
Streamworks Beats now also provide the Account Number. To do this, the "accountNo" field is added to the data object. As the field is the first item in the object, existing queries may need to be adapted.
The Account Number is output in the following Beat Events:
- JobStarted
- JobFinished
- StreamRunPrepared
- StreamRunDeleted
Additionally in these Events if Job or Stream data is affected:
- JobIncidentCreated
- JobIncidentWorkInProgress
- JobIncidentDeleted
- LogicalResourceAllocated
- LogicalResourceDeallocated
- LogicalResourceWaitingListDependencyAdded
- LogicalResourceWaitingListDependencyDeleted
26004 "Certificates" become "User Certificates"
To avoid confusion with Agent Certificates, the "Certificates" have been renamed "User Certificates".
25888 Web Service Job: New error message for incorrect Header
When saving and before executing a Web Service Job, the name of each Header Parameter is now checked. If this is missing when saving, an error message is displayed. If the name is empty or incorrect before execution (e.g. when replacing a variable with empty content), the RC -3755 is reported back.
Web App: Database connection now encrypted by default
Due to a breaking change in the used code library "SqlServerClient" in version 4.0, database connections are now encrypted by default.