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Consistent Shopping Experience across all Touchpoints


ORSAY Taps Omni-Channel

Consistent customer experience and proximity form the basis of your business success: Integrating all of the relevant channels, including the Web, PoS, mobile, and print, allows you to fully exploit the potential of eCommerce. Learn more about our solutions for the perfect customer experience.

Customer Benefits

Scalable backend for ORSAY’s eCommerce and omni-channel business
Faster go-to-market for international online shop roll-outs and omni-channel business
Efficient combination of customer touchpoints with fulfillment services such as logistics, finance, and customer care
Efficient order splitting and routing
Comprehensive order search function
Central overview of customer histories

With support from Arvato Systems and an order management system, we were able to significantly accelerate our eCommerce and omni-channel roll-out, allowing us to offer our customers an even better shopping experience.

Background Situation

ORSAY was working with an outdated system for eCommerce order management that had been developed internally. The system no longer met the requirements of the modern eCommerce business, particularly in terms of intelligent, scalable order splitting and routing, and it could no longer sufficiently meet modern omni-channel demands. Additionally, the company was in desperate need of a high-performance solution for processing financial transactions with consumers (B2C debtor management).


Adding an order management system will make the existing system environment scalable and future-proof. For example, the system will make it possible to intelligently manage shipments from different warehouses and drop shippers in a rule-based way, as well as to allow for in-store processes such as click & collect, pick in store, and ship from store. What’s more, implementing a modern B2C debtor management system will make financial processes with consumers around the world scalable. Overall, this will create a high-performance backend and lay the foundation for ORSAY’s eCommerce and omni-channel business to continue to grow rapidly.


Arvato Systems implemented an omni-channel management solution that included the pricing and POS expansion modules and the SAP module FI-CA (Contract Accounts Receivable). Using an order management system also optimized ORSAY’s order management processes. The system collects orders from a range of different touchpoints, such as the e-shop and checkout, and transmits them to the respective fulfillment location (such as the eCommerce warehouse, a drop shipper, or a store branch). It also handles communication with the B2C finance system. The order management system receives the necessary omni-channel business logic and data pools for all inventory, items, orders, customers, and prices. This also allows the call center to answer customer questions more quickly and effectively. In that sense, the system is the backbone of the entire order management chain. An order management system turns ORSAY’S brick-and-mortar shops into order, pickup, and return centers for online orders. In the future, the company will be able to expand its range of services for customers in its online shop and at the POS more quickly and easily.

countries around the world


ORSAY designs feminine outfits for every style and every personality, making it one of the most successful fashion brands for young women in 33 countries.

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Your Contact for Questions about Our Solutions

Ralf Huchtkemper
Expert for the Retail & Consumer Goods Industry