
Application Development & Operations - Customized solutions for the financial sector

Customized software development and seamless integration

Nowadays, the software and operating landscape is becoming increasingly complex. There is a growing need for individual solutions in software development and operation. In the financial sector in particular, there is a large amount of outdated software that is difficult to maintain in the long term due to demographic change. For this reason, there is a high demand for hybrid forms of operation.

We are able to map the entire software development process. In addition, we can also seamlessly integrate the developed solution into our IT service operations and offer all forms of cloud (private, public, hybrid) or the classic hosting variant in the local data center.

Use Case | Implementation of a Digital Financial Product

Your challenge

If financial or insurance companies want to develop new digital products nowadays, this is usually done under high time and cost pressure. At the same time, the professional and technical expectations of the new product are high. It must be scalable, highly available and cloud native. At the same time, it is often unclear which specialist functions the market really needs.

The target picture

The design and implementation of a new digital financial product takes place almost in parallel. A great deal of time can be saved by working in parallel and the new product becomes concrete and visible very quickly.  Challenges and issues become apparent at an early stage, particularly in the case of complex financial products.

Our solution

The implementation of a new product within an agile framework is the best solution for delivering results very quickly and at the same time responding flexibly to additional customer requests and new product features. The use of current technologies supports this approach in the best possible way through a high degree of automation in the software development process.

Use Case | Replacement of Legacy Systems

Your challenge

Companies in the finance and insurance sector are suffering more and more from old legacy systems these days. While it used to be the standard to rely on COBOL and mainframe, it is now a major problem. The systems are expensive, maintenance-intensive, inflexible and the know-how in the old technologies is becoming less and less.

The target picture

To remain competitive in the long term, companies need to get rid of their old legacy systems. This is the only way to increase the digitization and automation rate in the long term while reducing costs and flexibly adapting their IT applications.

Our solution

The replacement of old legacy systems can be implemented in a variety of ways. The decision on how to replace a system must be considered and decided on an individual basis. Whether it is a purely technical migration to a more up-to-date basis or a complete new build. The decision must be well-considered and well-planned.

Use Case | Complete IT Operation of a Critical Financial Application

Your challenge

For modern banks and insurance companies that are digitizing their business processes, high availability of their IT systems is of crucial importance. With the introduction of mobile access options to corresponding services, they are under increasing pressure to offer their IT financial services available and accessible at all times. This requires high expectations in terms of service availability and reliability. At the same time, compliance, data protection and IT security requirements are becoming increasingly important. The complexity of the various processes required to comprehensively "host" and operate such an IT service is constantly increasing.

The target picture

In order for banks and insurance companies to remain competitive, it will be all the more important to provide operational support from a single source. The bank or insurance company of the future should no longer have to deal with the small-scale coordination of operational and support units, which may still be decentralized across several providers. Instead, these activities should be bundled and managed by one provider or service provider.  This means that the entire control process runs through exactly one channel.

Our solution

End-to-end operation is a practice-oriented solution. The complete IT operation is set up or taken over by our specialists in the company. As a customer, the service can therefore be managed completely from a single source. This results in a high degree of synergy and easy control for the customer, as only one service provider is responsible for the entire operation.


Everything from a single source

We offer the entire software development cycle, the setup of the operating environment and the assumption of operational responsibility from a single source.

Synergy effects from development & operation

We ensure smooth processes when transferring developed software to operational responsibility.

Industry-specific know-how

Thanks to many years of industry-specific software and IT expertise, we develop and operate complex IT systems.

Individual & flexible

Our services can be used individually as required, regardless of whether it is software development, operations or DevOps.

State of the Art

We offer services in the context of private/public cloud & cloud native, in addition to the operation or migration of legacy applications.

Agile or classic

We adapt our process model according to the needs and individual requirements of the project, whether agile or classic.

Your Contact for Application Development & Operations

Jan-Peter Gordon
Experte für Software Entwicklung für Banken & Versicherungen