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Data Sovereignty in the Manufacturing Industry

How to share sensitive data securely and add value with third parties

Use Case
Video: 5 Challenges
Our Services

It is well known that data will play an important role in future value creation. However, there has been a lack of suitable concepts for the processing, dissemination, and sovereignty over one's own data treasure. Initiatives like Manufacturing-X are on their way to create these prerequisites - we accompany you on your way into the data economy. Sharing your own data has numerous advantages: networking with your own value chain makes it possible to increase quality, resilience, and efficiency jointly or to smoothly integrate your own services and products into more extensive service or product ecosystems. In this way, data can be used to save costs on the one hand and to leverage innovation potential and create new sources of revenue on the other.

Data Sovereignty in Practice

Your Challenge

Structuring data and making it usable is challenging for companies with different applications and locations. Simply collecting the data, e.g., in a data lake, is a first step, but it also requires a semantic structure, clear governance, and the right infrastructure to ensure actuality and connectivity.

The Vision

The target is to use own data in such a way that processes can be integrated with third parties beyond the own system architecture. At the same time, the legal framework conditions should not be underestimated: From the DSGVO to a legally secure pricing of the data, several requirements need to be considered right from the start. Once set up, this opens immense possibilities.

Our Solution

We accompany you on your way to the sovereign data economy. We are starting with establishing a stable data platform through transparent governance to open and secure interfaces for your partners. In addition, we understand the design and implementation of new business models. We enable hosting in our data centers at German locations, considering the highest cyber security requirements.

Benefits for You as a Manufacturing Company

Structuring your data

With a clear vision for the use of your data comes the need for a modern data platform. We develop your individually suitable strategy.

Enhanced process transparency

Structured data management can also increase internal efficiencies. Processed data also means more transparency in what is happening in your own company.

Create a resilient supply chain

Thanks to sovereign data rooms, data from your suppliers or logistics service providers can also be used in the future to gain live insights into your supply chain.

Create digital value-added services

Provide your customers with new value-added services related to your products, based on your data.

Integration into ecosystems

Use your data and make it available to third parties. This opens previously untapped sales channels and customer groups.

Legislation in view

We are organized in associations close to the legislator and are informed for you about existing and upcoming regulations and requirements.

Data Sovereignty - 5 Challenges from Your Daily Business

Our Services for Your Success

  • As an IT specialist, integration is our core business: We bring your data together, make it usable and accompany you on the way to sovereign data platforms such as Manufacturing X. In doing so, we are guided by use cases and identify the ones that bring immediate benefits for you. At the same time, we support you in developing fundamental capabilities for data value creation in your company.

  • With the correct interface and security concepts, integration with third parties can be implemented quickly and efficiently. We develop an appropriate portal with you where your partners can network with your data. We prepare the acquired data for you to develop into effective dashboards and reporting so that direct insights into the events of your value creation become possible.

  • Making data usable also enables new business models from new sales tools and a data marketplace to new value streams such as equipment as a service. With superior data management, you gain agility and scope to meet new customer requirements quickly and realize growth beyond the traditional product business.

Current Insights

Part 1 - Factory-X: Background and Target Image

Factory-X joins the already well-known and established Catena-X initiative in the Manufacturing-X family. As part of the BMWK-funded initiative, Factory-X focuses specifically on mechanical and plant engineering. We take a look at the details for you.

Part 2 - Factory-X: Use Cases for Production

The use of data as a key resource for digital transformation offers enormous opportunities within a data economy. This blog article is therefore dedicated to various aspects of real industrial practice.

Part 3 - Factory-X: Use Cases for Production

The third part of our blog series on the topic of Factory-X within the Manufacturing-X project family is dedicated to the remaining five use cases of the initiative. These also address aspects of real industrial practice, including challenges and possible solutions.

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Your Contact for the Manufacturing Industry

Achim Reupert
Expert for the Digital Transformation of the Manufacturing Industry